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Núcleo Cultural da Horta
Notas sobre autores açorianos...
Pedro da Silveira pela correspondência...
A História na obra de Pedro da Silveira
Pedro da Silveira: uma homenagem...
Pedro da Silveira, poesia...
Peregrinação e memória...
Da Migração e do exílio na poesia...
Pedro da Silveira: contributos...
Manuel Lopes, escritor...
A propriedade picoense de Jos Dutra...
Desempenho de postos militares...
Poeira do Caminho
As metamorfoses de um polvo...
Duas Voltas ao Logaiéte...
A comunidade de canal
Imagens da Mulher na imprensa ...
Terra do Bravo
O Espírito Santo nas Paróquias Faialenses
Áreas ambientais dos Açores
Os Silos do Silêncio
Ditos e Reditos
Inventário do património imóvel dos Açores
Família Dabney
Terramoto 1.1.80 / novas imagens
A influência de Joaquim de Flora em Portugal...
No Coração do Atlântico...
Olhando o Nosso Céu
Os Açores em finais do regime...
A Tarde e a Sombra
A Valsa do Silêncio
Identidade e Autonomia...
Notas editoriais
Editorial notes
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BOLETIM DO NCH Nº 15, 2006
Editorial notes

Aims and Scope

Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta is a journal devoted to publishing original articles to promote the cultivation and study of the Azorean culture. The journal carters for all with interest in Azorean culture, including those from universities and research institutes, local, regional and government institutions. The journal welcomes manuscripts containing new research if they offer important synthesis, have a strong conceptual basis and thoroughly review earlier or competing ideas. It is an annually, peer-reviewed journal, without page charges, which is published by Núcleo Cultural da Horta, and was initiated in 1956.

Acceptable manuscripts

Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta accepts research papers and review articles (no more than 10 pages in A4 format) and book reviews (usually by invitation; no more than 4 pages in A4 format). Manuscripts submitted for publication may not be offered to any other journal for prior or simultaneous publication. Portuguese, French or English are the recommended languages. All manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to peer review. Peer review includes both internal and external review.

Manuscript should be concise and clear in style: The cover page of all articles (except book reviews) should include the title of the paper followed by author (s)’s name (both in capital letters) and author (s)’ address.

Each article should have a summary or abstract and five key-words. The summary should state concisely the goals and major conclusions of the research papers and review articles.

The main text must begin with Introduction and finish with Literature Cited. Acknowledgements should come before Literature Cited.

Footnotes should be avoided. The use of acronyms in the text are discourage unless they are absolutely necessary.

References in the text, refer to author(s) surname(s) in capital letters and year of publication (Agostinho, 1938). Use ampersand (&) for double authorships in the text and for all joint authorships in the Literature Cited section (Arruda & Azevedo, 1987). When there are more than two authors, give the first author surname followed by et al. (Arrudaet al., 1988); references cited together should be arranged chronologically. In the reference list, the references must be cited in alphabetical and chronological order for one author or more than two authors; in alphabetical order by surname of the second author in case of two authors. Journal titles should be given in full. For books, the reference must include the city of publication and the publisher.

Manuscripts submitted for publication and correspondence related to the journal must be sent by regular mail to the

Editor do Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta
Apartado 179
9900 Horta
or by e-mail


Authors receive 30 offprints.


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